4.1 The goal of acm
We strongly believe that through their technologies and mechanics, cryptocurrencies will fundamentally change the economy and the financial system even more than ever before. This is why we are offering a platform suitable for beginners as well as advanced users that provides easy access to passive cash flow, safe investment methods, and innovative trading. Our goal is to combine the best of the traditional financial world with the novel crypto world to give you the benefits of both worlds on one platform. This will enable you to diversify your successful investments across all asset classes. We make crypto accessible to everyone in a simple, easy-to-understand and fair way.
4.2 The foundation of acm
All Crypto Mechanics was founded in 2023 by Benjamin Jakob, Andreas Fleischhacker and Markus Mahl. Our goal is to provide a secure, reliable platform for intuitive and innovative cryptocurrency investing and trading. We strive to offer our users a wide range of crypto mechanics and financial instruments so that they can take advantage of the full potential and every possible aspect of cryptocurrencies. We are convinced that everyone can be a successful investor.
4.3 What are crypto mechanics?
What does crypto actually mean? Crypto, coming from cryptography, is the encryption and decryption of transactions and their storage data. The cryptographic process uses complex mathematical tasks to make transactions secure. These tasks are extremely difficult to solve but easy to verify. Think of it as a puzzle with numerous pieces. It takes a long time to solve, but at a glance, everyone can tell whether it has been put together correctly. The technologies behind crypto are blockchains and smart contracts. Cryptocurrencies use a technology called “blockchain”. Blockchain acts like a library book in which various transactions are recorded. Anyone can check out the book and read it, but nothing in it can be changed or deleted. Nodes and miners make additions to the transaction. You can think of nodes as librarians who catalog and organize the books and make sure they are correct and complete. To do this, the librarian must ensure that the books are always up to date and that a backup copy is available. The miners in this case are the printers or publishers. They are responsible for printing all the transactions on the individual book pages and then providing the new book to the librarian. A “smart contract” is similar to a contract in the real world, except that it is digital and automated. A smart contract is able to independently check whether all conditions have been met before automatically executing what is stipulated in the contract.
An example: You form a smart contract with a colleague to purchase an NFT (non-fungible token – unique digital identifier). The smart contract is programmed to send the desired NFT to the colleague’s account only after the agreed payment has been received. The whole process is automatic once the contract is signed by both parties. There is no need for an intermediary. Even though all of the transactions in the blockchain are public, the identities of the users remain anonymous.
In the following, we describe the mechanics possible with cryptography, blockchain technologies and smart contracts. We consider All Crypto Mechanics to be the practical component behind the actual mechanics and their convenient, user-friendly application. (See page 24.)
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